
Access Advisory Committee – Gympie Region

For Business

The Committee produced a AAC Gympie Region Disability Access Self Audit Checklist for use by businesses in the Gympie Region. It is also available free to download for any other group wishing to use it in other communities. We simply ask for acknowledgement of our work in any publications.  

The best way of attracting customers to your business and fulfilling your legal responsibilities is to make your business as accessible to as wide a range of customers as possible. Where it is not possible to provide full wheelchair access in the short term, you might also consider alterative ways of providing the same service. It is also a good idea to develop a plan for how you can improve the accessibility of your business over time.

This checklist has been designed to assist you to identify areas where access to your business may be enhanced to meet the needs of customers with a range of abilities. This is not an exhaustive list of all access features, but it is a good starting point. You may with to complete the checklist once a year, develop a plan and work on items that you can improve throughout the year. Contact the Committee if you require further information.

Rainbow Beach surf club entry

AGM Reports

The Committee reports each year to its auspicing body, Cooloola Human Services Network Inc. at the Annual General Meeting of the association.

AAC Annual Report April 2023

AAC Annual Report April 2022

AAC Annual Report April 2021 

AAC Annual Report 2015 (PDF 390 Kb)

AAC_Annual_Report_2014 (PDF 310Kb)

AAC_Annual_Report_2013 (PDF 217Kb)

AAC_Annual_Report_2012 (PDF 219Kb)

AAC_Annual_Report_2011 (PDF 198kB)

AAC_Annual_Report_2010 (PDF 199kB)

AAC Annual Report 2009 (PDF 42kB)

CAAC Annual Report 2008 (PDF 38kB)


Terms of Reference

The Committee operates under Terms of Reference which are periodically updated and available below:

AAC Terms of Reference 2021

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